Monday, 23 September 2013

7 Apps that Bring SharePoint to the iPad

The need for the right applications is immense when it comes to catering to the vast range of mobile users. People making use of iPad and iPhones need to access SharePoint content too and it is for this reason that it becomes essential to bring SharePoint to the iPad. The unconventional applications are often found working effectively for the purpose.

Sharepoint in iPad

Now, quite a lot of options are available for making Microsoft SharePoint accessible on the device. The traditional iPad browser paves the way for a somewhat satisfactory experience. Several factors need to be considered in this regard. For instance, content editable attribute is supported by the desktop version of Safari while such facility is not made available by the Safari on the iPhone OS. This attribute is used by the application development platform and other collaboration products such as that of the Office Web Apps. This ensures a rich editing experience within a supported browser.

On the other hand, offline support and a richer experience is facilitated by certain apps that can be downloaded from the Apple App Store. Here is an overview of some of the popular as well as prominent apps that helps in bringing SharePoint to the said device.

1. SharePlus Office Mobile Client
SharePlus emerges to be one of the most prominent and universally used iOS Client for SharePoint that enables carrying the highly valuable information assets of this web application development platform on the Smartphones or tablets, irrespective of the prevailing scenario of connectivity. The app works well on several OS like Android, iOS, Mac and Blackberry.

2. Filamente
Filamente is often considered to be the most beneficial and user- friendly apps that offers a simple yet intuitive way of interaction with the development platform from the mobile devices. Setting up Filamente for the team site is quite easy and hassle- free. Other advantages of this application come in the form of a rich text editor plus link to Dropbox feature.

3. Moprise: SharePoint Documents for iPad
Morpise is an excellent collaboration client for iPad. This application, featured by Apple in iPad @ Work, enables users to access, share as well as collaborate any of their SharePoint document on the larger screen.

4. Harmon
The version 1.2.3 of this application of 2.5 MB comes with a rather intuitive user interface while also bringing forth an easy setup for the team site.

5. Briefcase Pro
Briefcase Pro is one such app that facilitates effective search from anywhere. The application has an intuitive user interface coupled with a fairly rich text editor.

6. Native iPad
Native iPad, as an application, is widely preferred primarily because purchase of additional software is not a necessity for the same. The application has no offline capability, which ensures that the security risks are much desired. Above all, it facilitates text input for list items.

7. SP- Dashboard
Coming up to be yet another useful app for bringing SharePoint to the iPad, SP- Dashboard for iPad allows users to browse SharePoint data in a much easier and efficient manner. It offers a good experience of navigating through the SharePoint sites and viewing the lists, libraries and documents. Additionally, one can also define the favorite lists, documents as well as libraries for fast access while renaming the favorites for a better overview.
With this application at your service, presentation of the SharePoint data with complete mobility becomes possible. As the retrieved data is automatically updated and stored on the device, there is no need of an internet connection for accessing the data.

All of the above- mentioned applications and products are intuitive with some of them being better than the others. The apps not only serve the purpose of bringing SharePoint to the iPad but also reduce the cost of ownership in the long run. Sharepoint 2013 mobile development teams can help you build mobile apps using SharePoint 2013 within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide SharePoint bespoke development services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified sharepoint programmers, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.