Sunday, 29 September 2013

Compatibility Report of SharePoint 2013 and HTML5

SharePoint 2013, which is the newest version of this web application development platform, comes with a number of beneficial features, out of which, compatibility is definitely a major one. However, before you go into the compatibility of this new improved platform and HTML5, let us have a look at the prominent features of the same.

sharepoint application development

SharePoint 2013 and its Features

To begin with, the platform facilitates enhanced user experinece by means of remarkable design as well as increased templates and layout capability. Additionally, fast search, improved work flow, e- discovery tools along with office web apps are also offered by SharePoint 2013. It is for this reason that business enterprises have an increased preference for upgrading from SharePoint 2010 version to the latest one. However, the infrastructure procurements must be considered when it comes to enterprise upgrades.

HTML5 and its attributes

HTML5, on the other hand, has made the developer's work easy primarily by virtue of its host of semantic features. This highly improved version of the Markup language offers several other tools as well as elements such as newer media as well as structural elements, attributes, form types, link relation types as well as the semantics for internationalization.

Compatibility between SharePoint 2013 and HTML5

The popular web application development platform now appears to be completely compatible with HTML5. The compatibility is best echoed by the presence of Channels, which allow designing different look and feel for the varying devices that are used for viewing the sites. Even the use of SharePoint sites on the mobile devices such as that of the iPods or Smart Phones has become quite common. These are also built using HTML5, hence, offer different views of SharePoint.

The compatibility of the development platform with HTML5 ensures that the Sites work equally well on any device and that they are optimized for the mobile browsers such as that of the Mobile IE9, Windows Phone 7.5, Android or Safari. The Office Web Apps pave the way for the documents and files to open on all of the these without necessitating the installment of Office on the devices.

Browser Compatibility of SharePoint

The latest version has witnessed a minimizing of the ActiveX controls to a great extent. The Drag, Drop and Multi File upload support leads to an excellent user experinece with Firefox and Chrome. The few office integration scenarios that are avilable are for the power users only, which further promises the average users with a commendable expeirnece with Firefox as well as Chrome.

This newest version of the platform also offers excellent mobile browser experience, thanks to the new contemporary views.
The contemporary view offers an optimized mobile browser experinece while the view is also available to the Mobile Internet Explorer Version 9.0 as well as the later versions like Windows Phone 7.5, iPhone iOs 5.0, Safari 4.0 or even the Andorid 4.0.

The Classic View, on the other hand, is rendered in HTML format while also providing backward compatibility for mobile browsers.

Finally, with the full screen UI view, a complete desktop display of the site is available on the SmartPhone devices too.

The ultimate outcome of the compatibility of this platform can be seen in terms of features such as menu button including that of the Site contents, sign out, close and switch to PC view. A navigation window, a tap-to-open links, automatic pagination of lists with over 20 items add to the alreday compatibility feature of the web applictaion development platform. With this platform, one can even create new list items and edit them too. For instance, a new task in a task list is created on the mobile device. The same can be edited in the list with the help of the Edit option. Custom SharePoint development will just get a whole new meaning with HTML5 coming into picture with SharePoint.

We provide SharePoint application development services. If you would like to talk to one of our SharePoint developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.